2025-05-09 Muffins with Mom-3:00 Muffins with Mom-3:00 May 9 Muffins with Mom-3:00 Please join us for Muffins with Mom in honor of Mother's Day at 3:00 in the BCH playroom on 5/9.
2025-05-22 Early Close-Kindergarten Graduation & Arts Fest Early Close-Kindergarten Graduation & Arts Fest May 22 Early Close-Kindergarten Graduation & Arts Fest BCH Kindergarten Graduation & Art Fest is on 5/22. Parents must be at school to watch the ceremonies or pick up their child by 11:45. BCH closes at 1:00 following the celebration.
2025-05-23 BCH Closed-Memorial Day Break BCH Closed-Memorial Day Break May 23 - May 26 BCH Closed-Memorial Day Break BCH is closed for Memorial Day break from 5/23-5/26.